Design with a purpose and a pen on white paper

We talk a lot about design with purpose. But what do we actually mean by that? 

Designing things to be used

We see design as a creative, developing process with an outcome telling a story. Design can be just about anything from a nice looking setting on the table to an actual house, but how and for what it is used determines its ultimate purpose as a finished product. 

As a company, our purpose is the reason we've started to begin with and what keeps us going forward.

We want our designs to have two main purposes. First of all, that of usage. Not just as a beautiful object and something pleasant to look at, but as something people can take advantage of. That way our product offers more than the design itself. The other purpose is to support sustainability. Offer that usage for a long time to come, be repairable and eventually recyclable. That way we can support product longevity and stand against single time use, lowering the carbon footprint of both our products and for that of our customers. 

Our design products are electrics. They are products that can be found in every household, big or small, and they’re constantly in use. Although more and more is constantly being invested in the look, decor and comfort of one’s home, why are power strips still only tenaciously just plastic, awkward devices that are hidden from view? Basically you just plug in, push it into hiding and forget its whole existence. There are few devices that are used as much and yet receive so little attention.

We want to build our purpose

We wanted to design a power strip people actually like looking at. Partly because we want to help to reduce consumption, and having a nice looking power strip out there in the open makes it more convenient to just push the button to turn it off when not in use. Having MyNolla strip there, visible and reachable, and not having to dig it out from under the TV level or bed all covered in dust balls, does hopefully help and encourage people to switch it off when it’s not needed.

But our purpose is also more than that. We want to design products that raise questions. Have people wondering what it is about, what can be done with it and how wonderfully clever it is in all its simplicity. 

Because something as simple as a power strip made into a premium design product is pretty mesmerizing, ain’t it?

Asking questions is what builds our purpose

The more we keep asking, the better aware we are. We believe nothing is decided and nothing is set in stone, and by asking more questions we can always keep learning and developing, and therefore create even better solutions in the future. Because what is the purpose, if not answering the questions and demands and keep going forward from there? We see questioning the way things currently are as a way to reach our ultimate goal, as well. Since many of the more sustainable options needed are not invented yet, asking questions and coming up with the right answers is the way forward. 

With us, it all began with seeing a fault in the home electronic system and coming up with a way to improve that. Our background made us want to use our knowledge and experience with design and innovation to combine them with home electronics. This way, we started to create new products for both electronic and design markets to offer people usable everyday essentials that are also pleasing to the eye and becoming a part of one’s home for a long time. 


We are redesigning necessities

Home is personal for everyone. Home is the place where people can just be, be themselves and not worry about the things outside. We never want to add to the worry, nor make it present in people’s homes. Designing MyNolla has required a sense of acknowledging that people have the right to choose. Choose the items they want seen in their homes or products they consider necessary. We started with something already deemed as necessary, and designed it anew to add to its purpose. MyNolla is more than just a power strip, even though it is meant to be used as one. It is also high-quality Finnish design and valuable as such. 

We want our design to answer the need to attract as well as be useful. We’re not just asking to add a beautiful design item to your home, but are offering you a one of a kind design product that is also a product you’re already most likely using on a daily basis. That is also our purpose. To turn those awkward and complex power strips into beautiful items. Since design can be just about anything. For us, it’s with purpose. It’s stepping away from common ground and giving attention to the things usually ignored. For us, purpose is making useful things even more useful. Our purpose is to design products in a way that you can gain more.