Time for spring decorating

We’re sharing our 5 easy ways to decorate for spring! Even though here in Finland it’s still snowing every now and then, spring is without a doubt in the air! Hence, it’s time to start thinking about that spring cleaning and how to bring spring mood into the interior of your home. Spring decorating doesn’t have to be about redoing the entire interior, however, since there are a few easy tricks to create that light, airy and fresh spring feeling without a hassle.


5 easy ways to decorate for spring

1. Declutter & Organize

Let’s face it: this is usually the part people hate the most, but also the one with the biggest reward. Start your spring decorating by making room for it, declutter and organize all the piles of stuff you’ve gathered over the winter, and you’ll start to feel that sense of renewal already. In the spring, all of us want to feel fresh, like we’re starting something new, right? What better way to do that than decluttering your home!

Start by going through your closets, drawers, all the places where stuff just keeps piling up. Is there something you haven’t needed during the last year? Would it be time to get rid of it then?

After getting more organized, it’s already easier to start thinking about the spots where little spring inspiration is most needed.


2. Let the light in

Spring is about more sunlight. We just love how it shines through the windows and lightens up the entire home in a whole new way. That’s why it’s time to let the light in. To open those heavy curtains, change the darker table cloths and pillows to lighter colors. Let the interior enhance the natural light that shines in by opting lighter, natural colors. Also, if possible, consider rearranging the furniture in a way that your favorite spots are bathing in sunlight. Just think about that morning cup of coffee while enjoying the spring sun!

3. Natural materials
Since spring is the time for nature to start waking up after the cold, it’s the perfect time to add some natural materials and colors into the interior, as well! Think earthy wooden tones, light and airy natural materials that fit together with the lighter outside. If during winter we’re drawn to darker colors to create the right mood, now is the time to consider lighter tones like natural oak, birch and ash, for example. Luckily, these are materials that are easily found in many different furnitures as well as smaller home decor, and they compliment some brighter colors, as well.


4. Update Your Decor with small changes

During spring, it’s nice to get playful with the interior. You can try updating small decor items with bolder colors and see how they fit. Good thing is that with smaller items, such as vases, fresh flowers and pillow covers, you can keep changing the interior as much and as often as you wish. It’s all in the details, really. Like I mentioned already in the beginning, you don’t need to think big changes to make the perfect ones.


5. Add some color

Finally, color. It can be simply fresh flowers that spark up the room, a bright new tablecloth to update the kitchen or even changing the curtains, if you wish. It doesn’t really matter how and where the color shows, but even a hint of it makes all the difference and you’ll see how that brightens up the entire home. If you’re not that into colorful decor, don’t worry, since live plants or cutely wrapped sweet treats are a great way to start with.

So here you have it, 5 easy ways to create the spring feeling inside as well as out! What about you, are more about adding some color or clearing out stuff to make it comfy and nice? Most of all we encourage you to enjoy decorating without stressing out about what could or should be. Have fun with it and test out different things. You never know where the simplest ideas lead to.